Trolls Band Together is a new animated film from DreamWorks Animation that is set to be released in theaters on November 17, 2023. The film is a sequel to the 2016 film Trolls, and it follows the adventures of Poppy and Branch as they set out to reunite a group of lost trolls. Trolls Band Together is expected to be a huge hit with fans of the original film, and many people are eagerly awaiting the DVD release. However, there is no official release date yet.
Based on previous DreamWorks Animation releases, we can expect Trolls Band Together to be released on DVD and Blu-ray sometime in March or April 2024.
However, there are a few factors that could affect the release date. For example, if the film is a huge box office success, the studio may want to release it on DVD sooner in order to capitalize on the excitement. Conversely, if the film underperforms at the box office, the studio may delay the DVD release in order to avoid further losses.
While you wait for the DVD release, there are a few other ways to watch Trolls Band Together at home.
The DVD release of Trolls Band Together is expected to include a number of special features, such as:
We hope this article has answered your question about when the “Trolls Band Together” movie is coming out on DVD. We will keep you updated on the release date as soon as it is announced.
There is no official release date yet, but we can expect to see Trolls Band Together on Netflix sometime in 2024.
Yes, Trolls Band Together is scheduled to be released on 4K Blu-ray on the same day as the DVD release.
The price of the Trolls Band Together DVD has not yet been announced. However, we can expect it to be priced similarly to other DreamWorks Animation DVDs, which typically retail for around $15-$20.
There is no word on whether or not Trolls Band Together will be released in a special edition. However, it is possible that a special edition will be released closer to the release date.
Tickets to see Trolls Band Together in theaters are now available for purchase at most major theater chains.